Old Fire Mumblem (FE7U)
By markyjoe1990

Posted On: 03/26/2019 4:49:25 AM
Average User Score: 2.0 (2 reviews total)
View Count: 2883
Download Count: 45
An old hack by MarkyJoe1990.
Posted on: Mar-24-2019 2:15:42 AM by markyjoe1990
This was the first Fire Emblem hack I made that had custom maps and events. While it was considered pretty decent when it first came out, it has aged poorly.
The most notable issue is that many of the maps are too big, with not enough going on in them to justify the size. Chapter 6 in particular is a huge slog because of this.
Some other questionable design decisions include reinforcement spam, overpowered enemies here and there, and a final chapter that is straight up unfinished.
The biggest draw of this hack, in my opinion, is the dialogue. It's not winning any rewards by any stretch, but part of the appeal is just how amateur it is. Eliwood and Hector getting stoned is the type of scene that only a young teenager would write, and don't get me started on the hilarity of Chapter 5's pseudo-ironic fanfic between Karel and Sophia.
Overall, it's good let's play material due to the dialogue, but otherwise is a rather poor quality hack.

Posted on: Mar-24-2019 3:50:36 AM by jasonfails
Old ass hack from the one and only MackeralJoseph9109. Not great by todays standards but maybe give it a check just because it's history?