Fire Emblem Central

Many Emblem (FE8U)

By KrisK (Posted by Pwntagonist)

Posted On: 04/02/2020 7:40:11 AM

Average User Score: 2.3 (3 reviews total)

View Count: 3505

Download Count: 3

Words cannot describe the quality of this legendary masterpiece. Experience the glory for yourself!




Posted on: Jun-11-2020 6:12:00 PM by Xenith

whilst i can't endorse the script, Many Emblem has a unique and enjoyable tinge of reckless flair which is a rare sight among the stiff FE community
kris k, if you're out there, The House salutes you brave soldier

Posted on: Jun-12-2020 1:07:10 PM by Pwntagonist

I think a lot of people like the humor in this hack because it's offensive, but if you put that aside, what do you really have? Basically a bunch of inside jokes the vast majority of people won't get. So yeah, the humor in this hack didn't really land for me (though there are a slew of hilarious out-of-context quotables). Despite that, I still think this hack is solid. It's only four chapters so far, but the map design in each chapter is actually pretty well thought-out and each new player unit brings a new utility to the table. It should only take you about an hour to get through the whole thing, so I definitely recommend giving it a go. I honestly think it's one of those hacks that every FE hack fan should play at least once just for the experience.

Posted on: Mar-21-2022 3:12:23 AM by laqieer

The patch is corrupt with a wrong CRC.
