FE7 Allegiance Reversal+ (FE7U)
By Shuusuke

Posted On: 12/17/2019 11:52:10 PM
Thread: https://feuniverse.us/t/fe7-allegiance-reversal-up-to-ch16x-discontinued/6440
Average User Score: (0 reviews total)
View Count: 1629
Download Count: 1
So you’ve played FE7 before, used the good guys to beat the bad guys, pretty easy right? But can you use the bad guys to beat the good guys? Well, that’s what you’ll find out with this allegiance reversal. I started working on this in June, on the side to take a break from my other main hacks, and it was made with FEBuilder.
Instead of playing as Lyn and standing up to Batta the Beast, you’re the generic bandit trying to help Batta. Instead of protecting Natalie for a couple of turns…you have to defeat Natalie within a couple of turns. Instead of defeating the boss, you have to make sure the boss isn’t killed…and so on.
But that’s not all, I didn’t just change blue units to red and red to blue, hence the + following the name. There are other gameplay changes that from my point of view, made the gameplay more fun, or at the very least, more unique and not just switching sides. More info on the "+" part in the linked thread.
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