Fire Emblem Central

The Sacred Chairs (FE8U)

By Mangs PME Team (Posted by Sme)

Posted On: 12/17/2019 5:26:18 AM

Average User Score: (0 reviews total)

View Count: 1916

Download Count: 2

After over a year since it started, the final patch was released a week ago with the last fixes to issues found by players. The Readme linked above has general information about the hack as well as the credits, so take a look at it if you want to know more.

Feel free to ask here or on the Ft. Mangs Discord channel (which may be more likely to get replies) if you have any questions. Although it’s finished, feedback is always interesting to read, particularly for me since I did the gameplay part, so feel free to let me know what you thought about it too.

It was the first full hack I worked on and saw being finished, and taking on the majority of the gameplay was definitely ambitious and at times exhausting, but I also learned a lot from it and enjoyed the experience. Hopefully those who played or will play found/find it enjoyable too.



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