Duo Geno Escapo (FE7U)
By SageMatthis CM9 (Posted by SageMatthis)

Posted On: 11/11/2019 7:21:32 AM
Thread: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/gba/patches/4188readme.txt
Average User Score: (0 reviews total)
View Count: 2778
Download Count: 95
Authors: SageMatthis, CM9
All components of even chapters made solely by SageMatthis while all components of odd chapters made by CM9. All technical work and behind-the-scenes work done by SageMatthis.
It starts off on some unamed continent. Szarland initiates a genocide on Rahatland for reasons yet unknown. Lau and Brandon were away from their hometown on some unofficial business when they return home to find nothing but the ruins and ashes of their village. They had heard of the genocide while they were away, which caused them to hurry home, but only to discover that they were too late. While searching for any survivors, the two are caught by the Szarn army and transported to some concentration camps in Szarland, upon special orders. However, before their execution, the doors to all the cells were busted open, allowing them one slim chance at escape…
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