Void's Blitzarre Adventure (FE8U)
By Fire Emblem Universe (Posted by Darrman)

Posted On: 11/10/2019 12:50:39 AM
Thread: https://feuniverse.us/t/feu-chapter-creation-blitz-voids-blitzarre-adventure/2629
Average User Score: (0 reviews total)
View Count: 1846
Download Count: 8
The Fire Emblem romhacking community has a bad habit of being unable to complete things. In all the years the Game Boy Advance Fire Emblem games have existed, a mere two romhacks have been completed to a decent standard (as of July 2017 when this description was first written) ; The Last Promise and Requiem.
The reason why things often fail to get completed? Getting overly hung-up on polish and quality, losing motivation trying to reach perfection in vain. The members of the Fire Emblem Universe forum had enough. Over one week, the members got their heads together and made a full thirty-chapter hack.
Join Void, and her uncanny lack of luck similar to a certain shaman from the vanilla Sacred Stones, as she seeks to defeat the evil Demon King. The hack features new portraits, edited graphics in many places, custom music, several ASM hacks, and is the first instance of a full skill system being hacked into a Game Boy Advance Fire Emblem game for more than a tech demo.
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