Fire Emblem Central

Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light (SRPGE)

By Darrman

Posted On: 05/12/2019 7:01:55 PM


Average User Score: (0 reviews total)

View Count: 2475

Download Count: 1

At First, There Are Dark Dragon, Falchion Sword, And…
Fire Emblem.

This is a one-chapter demo of FE1 remade in SRPG Studio. The instructions are very simple. Extract the file and run the game. I made it procrastinating from creating my MAFC chapter, which probably isn’t a very good idea. Here’s a feature list:

* FE1 tileset completely ported into SRPG Studio
* FE1 map sprites used in Chapter 1 ported
* Relevant portraits upscaled to meed SRPG Studio requirements
* Original FE1 music included
* FE3 weapon icons used
* Names consistent with Quirino translation patch

Preemptive question answering:
* Will you finish this? - Maybe, maybe not. 25 chapters is a significant undertaking.
* Why don’t you use official names? - I don’t like some of the choices the localisers made for character names, so all names are the Japanese ones for consistency.
* Why don’t you have a fancy name for this? - I’m terrible with names. I’ll just use the original name for now.



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